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News WipEout Co-Creator Throws His Support Behind Fan-Made Lego Set


WipEout turns 30 next year, and the celebrations are already underway – but how about an official Lego set to really kick things off?

That's what could potentially happen, as a fan has submitted a kit design to Lego's Ideas portal, where fan-made projects have a chance of being turned into legitimate products.

"Ever since my first encounter with the game on PlayStation 1 in 1997, I've been captivated by the mesmerizing ship designs featured in the Wipeout series," says Bryan77233. "I had a lot of fun creating this project, gathering inspiration from both Studio Liverpool's official concept art, and fan-made illustrations."


Based on the iconic FEISAR FX400, the kit idea comprises 1905 parts and weighs 1.8 kg (64.7 oz).

"While my primary aim was to retain the trademark triangle shape of the FEISAR FX400, I couldn't resist incorporating additional shapes and features to make it more interesting," adds Bryan77233. "The set also features a cradle holder, two in-race power-up plates, and two cute repair drones."

It certainly looks the ticket – and WipEout series co-creator Nick Burcombe agrees. "Fans...can you imagine if we got enough votes to pull this off?" he says on Twitter. "This would be a brilliant Wipeout 30th Anniversary celebration. Imagine that Immortalized in collectors edition Lego!"

WipEout Composer Tim Wright – better known as CoLDSTorRAGE – has also lent the project his support:

If you'd like to see this become a reality, then be sure to support it. If it reaches the 10,000 point in the next 190 days, it might stand a chance – assuming, of course, that Sony will allow it.

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