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Translation Wizardry 7 PSX English Translation



Staff member
Wizardry 7 PSX English Patch V1.0 by Gertius

After 29 years of being inaccessible to the west, the Japanese PSX port of Wizardry 7 has now received an English translation patch.

The PSX version has some differences to the PC version, which makes it a worthwhile experience.

  • Different cinematics
  • Different graphics and music
  • Creature models are in 3D
  • Anime portraits
  • Control scheme for console controller
  • Fullscreen 3D display
  • No typing, all spells, mantras, replies can be selected by a menu
In addition to that, the PSX version can be played in emulators, which for example makes the game available on portable systems like Vita or 2DS/3DS.

Download: http://www.zaqmusic.com/WIZ7/WIZ7_ENG_PATCH_V1_0.zip

GitHub: https://github.com/gertius1/WIZ7_PSX_ENG

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Relevant Link - Project Page


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