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News Zelda Dungeons of Infinity released as a roguelike take on A Link to the Past for PC


The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past is a standout game in the Zelda franchise, and one that many hold dear. With a remarkably open design for its time, paired with a simple and intuitive control scheme, as well as fun and engaging dungeons, it's one of many SNES games that remain great to revisit even today.

Games like A Link to the Past have a colossal amount of replayability, furthered yet by the emergence of randomizers and ROM hacks to create unique experiences more than 30 years after the game's original release. Today we're not looking at a ROM hack though. Instead, we have an entirely unique fan game that captures the look and feel of A Link to the Past, and throws it into a new roguelike setting.

The Legend of Zelda: Dungeons of Infinity is the result of four years of development in Gamemaker Studio from its creator Justin Bohemier. The game makes use of a number of A Link to the Past's original assets to really capture the same aesthetic, with new features and assets added to support the new procedurally-generated dungeon crawling.

Your goal when playing is to work your way through an ever-changing dungeon, picking up and swapping out items as you go to best equip yourself against the enemies and bosses you find along the way. If you fall on your journey, it's right back to the start for you.

In the game's announcement post on Reddit, Justin states that the project might attract the ire of Nintendo and encourages users to grab the game while it's still available, making the download available via both the game's Discord server and torrent. Since launching earlier this month, Dungeons of Infinity has already seen a few updates, with more to hopefully come in the future. The game is entirely free to download and play.


Though only officially available on Windows, I can personally confirm that it runs fantastically on Android via Winlator. Paired with ES-DE's latest update, you can launch it directly from the frontend like any other emulated title.

If you're interested in following the project, you can find a link to the official Discord server below:

:arrow: Official Discord Server
:arrow: Source

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